My second solo exhibition was held at Art Images Gallery, Norwood, from 31 August – 23 September, 2012.
This exhibition focuses on the physical and biological laws of nature that we encounter in our everyday lives. These works are not scientific illustrations. Rather, the drawings are informed by Science; Science that seeks to explain and predict the world around us and the universe beyond; Science that is interwoven with every aspect of the human condition.
The larger works in each series reference various physical and biological phenomena that underpin our lives: the reflection and refraction of light, separation of different wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum, the sound waves that we produce and experience, the actions of gravity, and the sensations of sight and smell that influence our ‘unnatural selection’ of our local environment. The smaller drawings in each series amplify further aspects of the relevant human behaviour. The final series of drawings lacks overt human presence, although the subjects are the result of many generations of human intervention and conjure deeply human emotions.